CBS Studios is set to develop an animated series based on the popular video game Among Us, according to Variety. In partnership with Innersloth, the game studio behind Among Us, CBS Eye Animation Productions will produce the series.
The upcoming animated series will follow the premise of the game, where crew members discover that an alien shapeshifter has infiltrated their ranks, aiming to sow chaos, sabotage the spaceship, and eliminate everyone onboard. The storyline revolves around the task of uncovering the “Impostor” or falling prey to its deadly intentions. Owen Dennis, known for his work on the Cartoon Network/Max series Infinity Train, will serve as the creator and executive producer of the project under his overall deal with CBS Studios.
The animation studio Titmouse (Big Mouth, Star Trek: Lower Decks) will handle the animation production for the series. Alongside Dennis, Forest Willard, Marcus Bromander, and Carl Neisser from Innersloth will also serve as executive producers. Chris Prynoski, Shannon Prynoski, Antonio Canobbio, and Ben Kalina from Titmouse complete the executive producing teamVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. While no specific network or streaming platform has been attached to the project yet, ongoing discussions are underway. CBS Eye Animation Productions will produce the show in collaboration with Innersloth. The Animation Guild will oversee the production, rather than the Writers Guild of America.
Originally launched in 2018, Among Us experienced a significant surge in popularity in 2020. By October of that year, the game reached the number one spot on Google Play in 66 countries and ranked within the top 100 in almost every country, excluding two. It also claimed the top position in iOS in 55 countries. During the fourth quarter of 2020, Among Us boasted nearly 500 million monthly active users, generated over 4 billion views on YouTube, and accumulated more than 1.22 billion viewing sessions on Twitch.